+ 33 1 39 25 31 75| 3, avenue de Porchefontaine Versailles 78 000 France


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Date : Ask for the Schedule
Place: Palais Brongniart
Topic : Artificial Intelligence
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Financial Market

Control of NAV
Impact of Liability on Asset Liquidity
Benchmarking Lire la suite

Recording Big Data

Super-fast treatment
Tracking of Calculations  
Secured Internal Communication
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Math Ingineering

Fractal Modelisation 
Scientific Calculation  
Forcasts : Short-termed and Middle-termed
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Equity Funds     -     
Hedge Funds         
Funds of Funds     -     
Non-material Assets

 Fractal Low Signals

Mark to Market     -     
Net Actual Value  
Liquidity     -     

 Financial Market

Asset Management     -     
Trading algorithmic
Dépositary     -     
Funds Administration


Financial Ingineering

Modélisation financière    Expertise et Audit des modèles   Analyse quantitative   Gestion Actif-Passif   MOA-MOE, Support

Help for Decision

Mesurer la volatilité des séries boursières de façon réaliste Privilégier des modèles qui restent robustes en période de crise   

Our clients

Fonds Administrators Clearning House Asset Management Insurances Banks Financial Institutions 


Ingénierie financière


liquidite actifIn times of crisis extreme values are more frequent and models based on the normal law do not work. We offer alternatives based on innovative mathematical models remaining robust even in times of crisis. 

The methodology is approved by the Ministry of Research and labeled by the Finance Innovation Pole, which makes the company the first French innovative SME using fractal properties to understand complex situations and interdependencies for a predictive purpose.

We are present in the methodological teams of the Front Office, Middle Office, Back Office and the Financial Department.

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